Digitalization is no longer
a separate thing but a necessary
part of our daily lives

Building the future of their fields

As the speed and the extent of change is constantly increasing in every field, only a few companies can afford to remain unchanged. Digitalization is a choice between modern and outdated. Our clients aren’t only choosing to keep up with the change but are driving change in their own environments.

Frantic Appgyver logo Viaesca Sharetribe Dreamdo Svea ekonomi Muuvit Apetit Hatch Mtv Nixu Geocollectors Valuecode Idealistdigital Imagine clarity Avainlippu Myy Stylewhile Gapps Interhome Tocoman Otavamedia Kwc Yhteismaa Madgang Upcloud Moilas Springvest Creagent Mow Opinkirjo Riskitor Bitville Sito Leo Invesdor Aureolis Kopla Kiririnki Powermemo Rovio Arcticstartup Maanmittauslaitos Beddit Compare it Otava oppimisen palvelut Ayy Qentinel Cbre Fysiogeriatria Pikku delfiinit Valio Aller Platebank Sharkpunch



Invented initially for children from low income backgrounds to combat increased levels of inactivity, Muuvit is a creative and fun way to get young people active while also delivering educational contents and messages.

We built the web application and designed it together with Idean.

Nearly 3 million children from across the globe have participated in Muuvit programmes.

Aalto Space

Aalto University Campus and Real Estate operates in the heart of Aalto University, offering different kind of space and facility services in Otaniemi and Töölö. They aim to be a pioneer in developing space utilization models for the growing number of people together with the university, and decided to make finding and booking space as easy as cycling.

Aalto Space mobile app helps students find and book available study and meeting locations. The service was designed and is continuously being developed by us together with the users of the campus space and with the entire Aalto community.

Read more about Aalto Space


With PopUpkoulu teachers can organise festivals where students get to suggest and keep workshops where they, their parents and anybody in the community around the school can teach about different subjects.

Our task was to build a better version of the existing system. The tool has already been used in dozens of festivals around Finland.


Mightifier aims to tackle bullying in schools and to improve social and emotional skills of children and adults by providing a new way to give positive feedback. With Mightifier children point out their strengths and can find new friends on the way.

We built Mightifier’s Android application.

Health and wellbeing


Beddit is a sleep monitor built by a Finnish start-up with users around the globe.

We helped them design and build a family-oriented web application for viewing the monitor’s data.


Puhti offers health check-ups to improve your wellbeing. The service streamlines the process of ordering laboratory tests and presents the results to the customer in an easy to undestand way.

We helped Puhti create its brand and built a web application to view your test results.

Via Esca

ViaEsca suppots the road towards a permanently balanced diet. It’s a service that builds knowledge and understanding about eating habits and their impact on our bodies. The application advices its user by providing information about the user’s own behaviour and goals.

We built and designed the ViaEsca mobile app with integrations to Polar‘s API and Fineli’s nutrition database. The app was developed as a hybrid application for iOS and Android devices and is available in AppStore and Google Play Store.


WODconnect is a product of our own, made for tracking, coaching and managing the sport of fitness. It’s a responsive web app that can also be used through our native app. It handles over 400 000 euros worth of payments every month and has 75 000 in several countries.

Read the story behind WODconnect.

Economy and housing


Domo lets students of Aalto University browse, apply for and rent apartments in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The service was built to replace Aalto University Student Union‘s old housing system, that could no longer answer to its users’ modern needs.

Domo is now also available for other housing services that aim to improve their renting processes and provide a modern user experience.

OP Metsä

OP Metsä is a service designed for Finland’s 700 000 forest owners. It keeps its user up-to-date of her forest’s value and possibilities.

We built the service together with Bitcomp. During its pilot phase the service reached its target group and thousands of forest owners transfered their forest data to OP Metsä. It now hosts data for over 100 000 hectares and 350 million euros worth of forest.

OP Metsä was awarded as the best web service for consumers in the Grand One 2017 competition.


Volkswagen Group

We implemented a Kisko Hackathon for Volkswagen Group, where around 30 participants from 12 Volkswagen AG units shared their professional skills.

Our task during the 3-day hackathon was to build prototypes to be tested by consumers, working together with people at Volkswagen.

The first user feedback was received less than 24 hours after starting the hackathon. As a result, three prototypes suitable for testing were developed with a further development plan. According to the survey conducted among the participants, all would take part again.

Business management


Powermemo is a management tool for target-driven collaboration between business partners. It brings communication tools and enterprise data to one place and helps to keep fixed costs under control.

Read our story about how Powermemo makes good work real.


Kaiku is a project collaboration tool that we design, develop and maintain for Sito. It’s also one of our longer-term projects, closing in on 3 years.

Marketing and networks

Kopla Tools

Kopla brings human insights to business development. It’s where top-notch research meets commercial thinking and creativity.

Kopla Tools is a toolbox created to support Kopla’s and their clients’ processes regarding target group engagement.

The tools we have built during years of collaboration with Kopla have made possible both bringing good old methods to the web and developing totally new methods.


Platebank is a revolutionary stock footage library by filmmakers for filmmakers. It’s a background plate bank that provides to the film community with at least three angles from each location and the opportunity to make extra income by sharing plates.


Hatch is about to revolutionize the gaming industry. This “netflix of mobile games” provides a completely new way of playing together with friends and family on mobile – with no downloads, updates or in-app purchases.

We built a website and some internal tools for Hatch. What Hatch actually is will be revealed in the near future, but forerunners can already register today.

Venture Bonsai

Venture Bonsai is a service for entrepeneurs to attract investors and for private investors to discover companies to invest in. It was designed and developed by us.

Frozen Rails

Frozen Rails is Finland’s only Ruby and Ruby on Rails conference, organized by us since 2010. Frozen Rails brings together professionals from Finland and abroad.

Are you looking for possibilities in the digital world?

Tell us about your business and we’ll figure out how we can help you.

Email us directly
Antti Akonniemi
Vesa Vänskä
Antti Salonen
Simo Virtanen
Anna Martinsen

Call Antti

+358 40 505 1909

We will answer you soon.

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